Strategic Approach

Activate Public Support

We believe that deepening and activating support for immigrants, including refugees and asylum-seekers, is at the heart of the work to build a pluralist society where we can all flourish. 

We have a strong emphasis on transforming narratives and culture. Since our founding, we’ve had a strong commitment to supporting and championing storytelling within the immigrant rights movement. Our strategy has evolved to advance not just individual stories but narratives, and narrative systems, that normalize pluralist behaviors and values. In the long-term, we seek to build the yearning in most people in the US and UK to actively co-create a just and pluralist nation in which everyone is perceived to belong, inherently, and be treated as such. Our work in this area is deeply informed and influenced by the Pop Culture Collaborative, which we co-founded. Read more about our narrative power-building approach.

We support other power-building strategies, including organizing and strategic communications. Our grantees organize communities and leaders to advocate for policies that contribute to an immigration system rooted in justice and a society where everyone belongs and can thrive. They also help shape media coverage of immigration and inform messaging to policy makers, to contribute to a positive, healthy debate. 

We also support increasing the civic participation of immigrants and their supporters, including via voting and engagement in policy campaigns.