Collaborative Partner

Migration Exchange

Funder collaborative that seeks to inform public debate and support welcoming communities

Migration Exchange (MEX) is an informal network of independent funders, established in 2010. MEX’s vision is an immigration system that welcomes newcomers, treats people with dignity and respect, and that has public confidence and consent.

In pursuit of this vision, MEX contributes to two high level outcomes: first, charities and civil society allies pursue common goals that reflect shared values of welcome and fairness, and second, a resilient, sustainable and effective migration field builds public support, especially through helping support strategic communications and narrative building.


MEX has supported: the nonpartisan Migration Observatory to increase the use of impartial, independent evidence in public debates; British Future, experts in public understanding of immigration and inclusion; and IMIX, a communications hub for refugee and migration nonprofits.

MEX aligned nine grant funders to establish Leading Beyond Borders, delivered by Clore and the Centre for Knowledge Equity, which supported 100 people to develop leadership skills during 6-9 month programs with a focus on those with lived experience of immigration control. It is hosted by Global Dialogue, a UK registered charity.

MEX advances Unbound Philanthropy’s Public strategy area.


Year Founded



Barrow Cadbury Trust, Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Comic Relief, A B Charitable Trust, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Trust for London, Metropolitan Migration Foundation, Oak Foundation.




Against a backdrop of rapid social change, political volatility, and concern about the prominence of extreme anti-migrant views on the global stage, Migration Exchange network aims to provides a vital space for discussion, strategy and action, and taking a long-term approach to change.

Sarah Cutler & Dylan Fotoohi, Co-directors, Migration Exchange

The Migration Exchange is improving public understanding of attitudes on migration and is helping to improve accuracy and depth of conversations about migration, integration, and identity.

Photos courtesy of IMIX and British Future