Collaborative Partner

Justice Together

A unique collaboration by independent funders to increase access to justice in the immigration system

The Justice Together initiative was launched in 2020 with a decade-long vision that people who use the UK immigration system can access justice fairly and equally, enabling them to get on with their lives. It is a collaboration of 15 funders who have pooled funds to strategically invest in legal advice, strengthen immigration sector organisations over the long term, and local and national influencing to support the lawful and fair functioning of immigration, nationality, and asylum processes. It is hosted by Justice Collaborations which is an independent charity and wholly owned subsidiary of The Legal Education Foundation.

In 2024 Justice Together refreshed their strategy and theory of change. They are working towards these goals:

  • Goal 1: A more sustainable, collaborative and coordinated immigration advice sector.
  • Goal 2: An immigration sector which is more able to advocate to increase fairness and justice in the immigration system and where people directly affected by the immigration system set the agenda for change.
  • Goal 3: Organisations in the immigration sector are actively contributing to racial justice.


Justice Together currently funds legal advice and influencing activities across the UK, with 44 grants reaching 125 organisations. In addition to this they support a community of impact which is made up of organisation working in the migration sector. They provide opportunities for people to come together for networking, strategizing, peer support and learning.

Justice Together is rooted in the belief that a better coordinated and more strategic approach that is driven by lived experience will help address systemic challenges. In line with its values, Justice Together is bringing together organizations across the UK to use their collective power to leverage change in the immigration system, and to influence how the sector operates and how immigration advice is funded. It has also invested in a racial justice programme to support the migration sector towards being anti-racist.

Justice Together advances Unbound Philanthropy’s System strategy area.

Year Founded



Paul Hamlyn Foundation, AB Charitable Trust, The Baring Foundation, Barrow Cadbury Trust, Comic Relief, The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, The Legal Education Foundation, The Tudor Trust, City Bridge Foundation, Indigo Trust, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.

Access to justice means a fair and just system where everyone is equal, regardless of your circumstance.

Justice Together roundtable participant